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How to optimize your Amazon product listing for increased sales?

Amazon Product listing optimization
Linda Heidi


What’s the big deal with Amazon product listings being optimized? And why should you care as an Amazon seller? 

Being an Amazon seller is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Amazon has over 2.5 million active sellers and more than 200 million products available for purchase. Due to the intense competition, sales cannot be assured by simply having a product listed on Amazon. In reality, just 13% of Amazon merchants generate annual sales of above $100,000.

How come some Amazon sellers hit it big while others don’t even make a dent?

The reasons are various but obvious.

It says that you have to choose the right products if you want to make it big on Amazon. But that’s not all. The real culprit behind your failed sales is bad listing optimization. Yes, it messes with your product visibility and even your Amazon PPC ads! If you can’t optimize your listings, you’ll end up like a lost sock: nowhere to be found on the first page and no sales for you!

Fully optimized Amazon product listings—what does that mean? 

Let’s be real. Who has time to scroll past the first page of the results? Nobody. literally no one. Moreover, you must appear to be a decent and value-added seller in the eyes of the Amazon A10 algorithm, because it determines where you will land. It means that having your product at the top of the result page is mandatory. This is where product listing optimization plays its role.

So, listing optimization is not just about writing killer content; it’s all about optimizing every aspect of the product page, such as the product title, description, bullet point, image, keywords, vital product information, reviews, and everything else on the page. As this is the case, enhancing the quality of your product listings to the fullest extent possible is the one and only approach to pull in more buyers and generating more revenue.

In order to keep your optimization game strong, you have to understand the details of the following must-have elements. Now, let’s get this party started.

Must-have of Product Listing Optimization You Can’t Afford to Miss

A well-optimized product listing can significantly improve your sales on Amazon. Let’s break down the topic into its component parts so that you may gain a thorough understanding of product listings.

1-Power of keyword research in optimization.

Keyword research is the foundation of Amazon product listing optimization. It’s all about understanding what your customers are searching for and then strategically incorporating those keywords into your product listing.

Here’s an example: let’s say you’re selling a pair of running shoes. You want to make sure that when someone types in “running shoes” in the Amazon search bar, your product comes up. So, you need to research keywords related to running shoes and include them in your product title, description, and bullet points.

But it’s not just about throwing in as many keywords as possible. You need to make sure they’re relevant and strategically placed.

Here’s another example: Let’s say you’re selling a yoga mat. You might think to include keywords like “yoga mat” and “exercise equipment.” But did you know that “eco-friendly yoga mat” is a highly searched keyword? By including that keyword in your product listing, you’ll attract customers looking specifically for eco-friendly yoga mats.

2-Create an effective product title 

your product title is like a first impression. If it’s not catchy or informative, customers won’t even bother clicking on your listing. In Amazon product listing optimization, keywords are a crucial piece of the puzzle. And your product title is the prime real estate for those keywords.

But wait, don’t just go throwing in any ol’ keyword. You need to make sure they’re relevant and maintain the right balance.

Best practices to insert the keyword in the product title

Put your main keyword first: Your main keyword should be the first word(s) in your title. This helps Amazon’s algorithm identify what your product is all about.

  • Use relevant keywords: Don’t just throw in any keyword that you think might get you more traffic. Make sure the keywords you use are relevant to your product and its features.


  • Don’t overdo it: There’s a fine line between using enough keywords to rank well and overstuffing your title. Don’t sacrifice readability for the sake of more keywords.


  • Use variations of keywords: Instead of just using the same keyword over and over, use variations and synonyms to keep your title fresh and informative.


  • Use long-tail keywords: These are more specific phrases that target a narrower audience. For example, “non-slip yoga mat for hot yoga” instead of just “yoga mat.”


  • Check out the competition: See what keywords your competitors are using and how they’re ranking for them.


Here’s an example of a product title using these best practices:

Amazon listing optimization
Example of good product title optimization

“INZCOU running shoes lightweight tennis shoes nonslip gym workout shoes breathable mesh walking sneakers”

The main keyword (“running shoes”) is at the beginning, relevant keywords (“women,” “lightweight,” “breathable,” “nonslip”) are included, and variations of keywords are used (“mesh walking sneakers”).

So go ahead and try to crack the code for including keywords in your Amazon product titles. Follow these best practices and watch your listings soar to the top of the search results!

3-Craft a convincing product listing/description

Your product description/listings are like the icing on the cake. Sure, your product might look good, but the description is what seals the deal.

Many Amazon sellers don’t prefer to optimize their listings in a good way. Well, you should think about it like this: Your customers can’t physically touch or see your product, so your description is what gives them a sense of what it’s all about.

Amazon listing optimization - product description optimization
Example of a good product description optimization

But that doesn’t mean your description has to be boring or stuffy. In fact, this is where you can really let your personality shine through.

  • Use descriptive language: Don’t just list the features of your product; use descriptive language to really make them pop. Use adjectives and descriptive phrases to give your features more impact.
    • Example: “Our powerful blender boasts a high-speed motor that effortlessly blends even the toughest ingredients, giving you silky smooth smoothies every time.”


  • Prioritize the most important features: You don’t want to overwhelm your reader with too much information. Prioritize the most important features of your product and highlight them first.
    • Example: “Our all-in-one printer not only prints but also scans and copies, saving you time and money on multiple devices.”


  • Use bullet points: Just like in your product title, use bullet points to highlight the key features of your product. This makes it easier for the reader to quickly scan and absorb the information.


    • 100% cotton material for ultimate comfort
    • Two front pockets for storage
    • Available in four different colors


  • Focus on benefits, not just features: Highlighting the benefits of your product will help the reader understand why these features are important and how they will improve their lives.
    • Example: “Our noise-canceling headphones will give you a peaceful listening experience, allowing you to fully enjoy your music without distractions.”

By following these best practices for crafting product listing, you can show your customers why your product is the best choice by highlighting the most important parts of it. Get ready to make your product stand out in the feature frenzy!

4-Enhance your Product image/ video

When it comes to optimizing your product page, don’t overlook the importance of quality images and videos. Strive to go from drab to fab. The reality is that product pages without eye-catching images and videos can be as boring as watching paint dry.

Amazon listing optimization - image/video optimization
Example of good product images

So, to make your product page stand out and shine like a star, here are some best practices for quality images and video optimization:

  • High-quality images: Use high-resolution images that showcase your product in the best possible light. Make sure to include multiple images that show different angles and features of the product.


  • Lifestyle images: Use lifestyle images that show your product being used in real-life situations. This will help customers visualize themselves using your product.


  • Video demonstrations: Use video demonstrations to give customers a better sense of how your product works and what it can do. Make sure the video is high-quality and showcases all of the product’s key features.


  • 360-degree views: Use 360-degree views to give customers a complete look at your product. This allows customers to interact with the product virtually and get a better sense of its features and functionality.

To make a splash on the Amazon product page, you need to invest in high-quality images and videos that showcase your product in the best possible light. Get ready to show off your product in the best possible light!

5-Optimization of Amazon enhanced brand content (EBC)

Amazon listing optimization - example of enhanced brand content
In A+ content, showcase your brand, the feature of products and size charts as well as other descriptions to make it different and unique from competitors.

Amazon Enhanced Brand Content is for adding extra sparkle to your product page. 

The real reason behind Amazon’s enhanced brand content is to give customers like you a better understanding of the products you’re buying. And what better way to do that than with some eye-catching graphics, fun videos, and easy-to-read descriptions?

So, whether your customers are looking for a new pair of shoes, a kitchen gadget, or even a toilet brush (hey, we don’t judge), Amazon’s enhanced brand content will give them a more detailed look at the product you’re considering. And, let’s face it, when your customers are spending their hard-earned cash, they want to know exactly what they’re getting, right?

Plus, with all the competition out there, every amazon seller wants to make sure that he stands out from the crowd. And what better way to do that than with some snazzy enhanced brand content? Use the following tips to utilize Amazon-enhanced brand content.

  • Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your product.
  • Tell your customers a compelling brand story
  • Write engaging and informative product description
  • You may provide your customers with the size-charts
  • Use infographics to display information in a visually appealing way
  • Test and optimize the EBC to see what resonates with your customers. 
  • Try to resolve the concerns of your customers.

In short, Amazon’s enhanced brand content is a win-win for both customers and the company. Your customers get more information about the product they’re interested in, and you get to show off its fancy new design skills. So, let’s all raise a virtual toast to enhance brand content.

6-Importance of product reviews 

Amazon product reviews are a treasure trove of valuable information that helps your customers make smart decisions. Unfortunately, to get good reviews from your customers, you have to be good at every step from product launch to product success. If you try to manipulate Amazon reviews, it’s like going against Amazon review policies, and Amazon will crack you down. 

Try to make your product a success because product reviews give you the following benefits: 

  • Social Proof: Positive reviews provide social proof that your product is worth buying. Customers are more likely to trust your product and make a purchase if they see that others have had a positive experience.


  • Fresh Content: Reviews provide fresh, user-generated content that can help boost your page’s search engine rankings. The more reviews you have, the better chances you have of appearing at the top of search results.


  • Customer insight: Reviews give you valuable insights into what your customers like and dislike about your product. You can use this information to improve your product and make it even better.


  • Respond and get involved: Don’t be afraid to respond to both good and bad customer reviews. Engaging with your customers can show that you care about their experience and are committed to providing excellent customer service.

7-Backend keywords and other optimization techniques

Backend keywords are the hidden gem of amazon listing optimization. 

Nope, Here’s how to use them:

The Secret Sauce: Backend keywords are not visible on the front end of your product page, but they play a vital role in improving your product’s discoverability. These hidden gems can give your product page the secret sauce it needs to stand out from the crowd.

Hidden Magic: Backend keywords can be used to include additional relevant search terms that didn’t make it into your product title or description. This hidden magic can help your product page show up for more relevant search queries and increase your chances of being discovered by potential customers.

Rule Breaker: Backend keywords also allow you to break some of the rules that apply to front-end optimization. For example, you can use single words or phrases that don’t necessarily make sense in a sentence structure. For example, if you’re selling a black t-shirt in multiple sizes, make sure to include “black t-shirt” and “size small black t-shirt” as backend keywords.

8-Other successful optimization techniques

Some other optimization techniques to consider include optimizing your brand name, and utilizing Amazon’s advertising and promotional tools. We have discussed them in other blogs. With the right combination of optimization techniques, you can boost your sales and stand out in the competitive world of Amazon!


So, there you have it! Optimizing your Amazon listing is like the secret sauce on a burger – it’s what makes your product stand out in a crowded marketplace. By following the tips we’ve outlined, you’ll be well on your way to boosting your sales and taking your Amazon game to the next level. 

Just remember to do your research, optimize your title, subtitle, and description, and don’t forget about the backend keywords and other optimization techniques. After all, if you’re not optimizing, you’re just a product lost in a sea of other products, like a lone sock without its pair. So, follow these tips and start optimizing your Amazon listing today to increase your visibility and drive more sales!

Psst: Amazon success doesn’t have to be a solo journey – let us be your trusty first mate on this adventure. Contact us today and let’s set sail to the land of Amazon riches together!



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