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Why Trusting Experts with Your Amazon Listings Can Make All the Difference

Trust amazon listing optimization experts
Linda Heidi


Selling on Amazon is like being in a huge candy store. But listing optimization can be a real pain at times. And even with your best efforts at optimizing product listings, your products just aren’t sweet enough to turn a profit. So, if you’re tired of staring at your Amazon listings with a sad face and are not figuring out the problem, it’s time to face the music: you are not an expert.

And that’s okay! That’s why there are professionals and Amazon listing optimization gurus out there to help you optimize your listings and boost your sales. So, put down the DIY approach and listen up, because we’re about to tell you why you should ditch it and let the Amazon listing experts handle it. Get ready to sit back, relax, and read the reasons why and how to do it. 

1- Navigating the complexities of amazon’s algorithms

Let’s face it: Amazon’s algorithms are confusing. It’s constantly evolving, and the company does not always announce updates publicly. Therefore, it’s a good idea for Amazon sellers to stay up-to-date on industry news and trends, monitor their performance metrics, and make adjustments to their strategies as needed. 

Let’s get a glance at recent updates. 

Amazon listing optimization expert

A10 Algorithm update

The A10 algorithm is a big deal. It is the king of the jungle when it comes to figuring out where a product ranks in search results and whether or not it gets the coveted “Buy Box.” Amazon has kept making changes to the A10 algorithm, such as giving more weight to product titles and descriptions and putting more weight on seller performance metrics.

Search Term Limitation Update

Through this update, Amazon discourages keyword stuffing. It wants Amazon sellers to follow the “1 line, 349 bytes rule.” It actually encourages sellers to focus on high-quality, relevant keywords.

Enhanced Brand Content Updates

This update allows Amazon sellers to create custom product descriptions with rich media and branding elements. Because of this, Amazon has made EBC available to more sellers and added more design templates and options.

To be honest, you lack the time and patience to keep up with them. That’s where the experts come in! They’ll keep an eye on the latest algorithm changes and make sure your listings are optimized accordingly. Plus, they can feel the hidden updates that are making it hard for the listing to rank. That’s why, if you hire an Amazon listing optimization service, you can increase your chances of getting clicked on, making a sale, and having people remember your brand.

2-Boosting your sales to the max with expert keyword research and insertion.

Amazon listing optimization expert
expert amazon listing optimization vs. Non-expert amazon listing optimization

Keyword research is the bread and butter of successful product research,  launch, PPC advertising, and overall listing optimization. Yet, so many Amazon sellers out there underestimate its power by saying, “I can handle my own keyword research, thank you very much.”  That’s funny. That’s why we’re here to tell you that strong keyword research is everything, from getting your products ranked to generating sales and beyond.

And trust us, there’s a big difference between your keyword research and the work of Amazon listing experts. These pros use top-notch tools like Helium 10 and Jungle Scout, and they know how to analyze both on-page and off-page keywords, as well as your competition. Not only that, they develop killer strategies to get your product ranked highly in keyword research.

Robust keyword research success story

Remember our blog post on how to differentiate your product? Well, we talked about a product called the “Orbeez Gun” that’s not only crushing it in sales but also ranking high on several different keywords, like “large adult gun” and “gel blaster.”

Now, here’s the thing: there are nearly 100 potential keywords that this product could rank for, but it’s the expert strategies of an SEO and listing optimization pro that made it stand out among the sea of competitors.

Unlocking the power of keyword insertion

Inserting keywords into your product title, listing, and description is an intricate skill that only experts can perfect. A creative touch is needed to balance the number of keywords without overusing them and to think about the benefits and unique features of your product.

Let me break it down for you with an example of a product title formula:

Primary keyword, brand name, other priority target keywords, main attributes or specifications, benefits

For instance, take a look at this expertly crafted title:

Garden of Life’s Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil—Unrefined Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil for Hair, Skin, and Cooking, DIY, 14 Ounce—  Comes in a UV-Resistant BPA-Free Bottle.

These pros also follow Amazon’s rules and use formulas and strategies to write good product descriptions and listings.

This is precisely why you need to invest in Amazon listing optimization services to get the best results

3-Avoiding costly mistakes with product image.

Amazon listing optimization expert
Good vs. bad product images of dog leashes

Let’s be honest, you’re not a professional photographer. As an Amazon seller, it’s easy to think that snapping a few photos on your phone and calling it a day is good enough. That’s where the experts come in! 

Professional Amazon photographers follow a set of guidelines to take product images that meet Amazon’s standards and requirements. These rules include using a white background, making sure the product takes up at least 85% of the frame, showing the product from different angles and close-ups, and not using any props or accessories that don’t come with the actual product. They also make sure that the product is well-lit, in focus, and accurately represents the color and texture of the product. By following these guidelines, professional Amazon photographers are able to capture high-quality images that make products stand out and attract potential buyers.

4-Outsourcing your amazon listings can save you time

Outsourcing your Amazon listings to an expert can save you a lot of time and hassle. Instead of spending countless hours researching and optimizing your product listings, you can leave it to professionals who already have experience and expertise in the field.

By hiring an Amazon listing expert, you can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as product development, marketing, and customer service. Most importantly, you can also avoid the learning curve and trial-and-error process that come with optimizing Amazon listings, allowing you to see faster and better results.

Overall, sourcing your Amazon listings from an expert can save you time, energy, and resources while also boosting your sales and profitability.

5-Ensuring compliance with amazon rules and regulations

Picture this: You’ve spent hours crafting the perfect Amazon listing, complete with a catchy title, beautiful images, and compelling product descriptions. You’re feeling pretty good about yourself until you receive a dreaded message from Amazon. Your listing has been taken down for violating its rules and regulations. Cue the facepalm moment.

Let’s face the truth. Keeping up with Amazon’s constantly changing guidelines can feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. But for experts, it’s all in a day’s work. They’ll ensure your listings meet Amazon’s strict standards, so you don’t have to worry about costly penalties or suspensions.

Listings that meet Amazon’s standards are also more likely to show up in search results and get the highly sought-after “Amazon’s Choice” badge. Plus, it shows potential customers that you’re a reputable seller who takes their business seriously. Let the experts handle the compliance side of things so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.

So, what’s your final decision?

In short, outsourcing your Amazon listings to an expert can make all the difference when it comes to your sales and overall success on Amazon. There are many reasons to let the pros handle it, from saving time to making sure you follow Amazon’s rules and regulations. By allowing Amazon listing optimization experts to handle the nitty-gritty details of your listings, you’ll have more time and energy to focus on growing your business and achieving your goals. 

So why go it alone when you can have a team of experts by your side? Book a call with us and let us help you achieve success on Amazon.




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